Vote to feed us your wisdom on the burning issues of the day.
Public Poll: Which item of underwear would look most stylish on our heads?
it is said that an enterprising individual can get four days' worth of wear from their underpants. Yet if worn on the head, would that increase its longevity or decrease it? It would depend on the underwear.
Rank Meaning: 1 = underwear that would look most stylish on the head; 5 = underwear that would look least stylish on the head.
Public Poll: What food should be tested as an alternative toothpaste flavour?
The first recorded formula of toothpaste, from Ancient Egypt, included mint. This precedent appears to have locked humanity into a cycle of unimaginative toothpaste flavours, apart from that weird red one. If to be is to innovate, what new flavours should be tried?
Rank Meaning: 1 = flavour that offers most promimse as an alternative toothpaste flavour; 5 = flavour that probably shouldn't be allowed near a toothbrush
Public Poll: which marsupials to place in an isofix passenger car child safety seat
"tie me kangaroo down, sport" sang Rolf Harris. But with backseat car safety regulations constantly evolving, which marsupials does it remain safe to transport?
Rank Meaning: 1 = marsupial most suited to placement in an Isofix child seat; 5 = marsupial for whom it would be the least useful action
Public Poll: which retail location is best to fight a werewolf
When werewolves attack, the likelihood of them happening on a standard high street are slim. Nonetheless, everybody should have a plan as to where they would run should a confrontation become inevitable.
Rank Meaning: 1 = best retail location to fight a werewolf; 5 = worst retail space to fight a werewolf
Public Poll: the best dinosaur to have as a dancing partner
Jurassic Park scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. However, when considering dancing partners the question should probably be both whether you should and whether you could.
Rank Meaning: 1 = best dinosaur for a slow dance, 5 = worst dinosaur for a slow dance